About Our Company

SAF is equipped with all the innovative technology to provide consultancy in producing Organic and Natural products related to Livestock and Poultry in addition to exclusive Horticulture and Spice products.

Livestock plays an important role in Indian economy. About 20.5 million people depend upon livestock for their livelihood. Livestock contributed 16% to the income of small farm households as against an average of 14% for all rural households. Livestock provides livelihood to two-third of rural community.

The livestock plays an important role in the economy of farmers. The farmers in India maintain mixed farming system i.e. a combination of crop and livestock where the output of one enterprise becomes the input of another enterprise thereby realize the resource efficiency. The livestock serve the farmers in different ways. It provides Income, Employment, Food, Social Security to the farmers to a great extent.

SAF has the vision to develop Free range and Mixed farming techniques in North East states which can develop as good economic and financial resource in the near future. SAF has the expertise in such techniques and is ready to provide consultancy to the farmers in various states as well.


Sree Agro Farms Specialities


SAF has designed the Organic Livestock farming project to cover all the activities required to ensure quantitative and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and modern techniques in the field of Horticulture through capacity building of Educated Unemployed, Women Welfare groups, young entrepreneurs and farmers. This idea will cover everything germane to improvement of livestock productivity and support projects and initiatives required for that purpose subject. It is formulated with the objective of sustainable development of livestock sector, Horticulture sector and development of other small scale industries such as growing of sugarcane, Dragon fruit, Stevia, cotton plants which helps in vast and continuous development of the NE region.


SAF has its unique expertise in Modern Organic farming methods of Dragon Fruit, Stevia, Sugarcane, Cotton, Spices and in Organic Livestock farming related to Aquaculture, Poultry, Pig farming. SAF can provide End to End solution by setting up Feed Mills, Processing Plants, Hatchery for Aqua and Poultry divisions, Manufacturing Units for Horticulture crops and Cold Storages.


Veterinary services for Animal health care are an important aspect for development of livestock sector. The veterinary infrastructure in NE region is inadequate in terms of both quantity as well as quality. In this region, only about 22 per cent of the farmers could avail veterinary services, while at all India level 32 per cent of the farmers could use this service.

The North Eastern Region has been producing many such products, which have a very high potential for supplying to the export markets in fresh and processed forms. However these States have not been able to achieve much growth in this sector due to many inherent weaknesses such as lack of transport infrastructure, lack of awareness and poor marketing linkages.

To overcome this scarcity of Technical support, SAF has come up with the innovative ideas to provide Technical guidelines (Consultancy from land selection to market the end product) for the development of all the above listed projects. Also this can be achieved by setting up Marketing Kiosks at both district and state levels.


SAF has designed its projects to increase Employment opportunities and Economy Improvement of the States. Animal Husbandry, Dairying, set up Processing units, Cold storages and warehouses may be regarded as a source to create the employment in rural areas all-round the year. Indian Agriculture is mainly dependent on monsoon and hence agriculture field faces certain bottlenecks to provide employment during such periods. On an average Agriculture sector may provide 200 days employment to the rural persons. This means they have to find alternate source of employment for income during the rest of the year. Dairy farming, sheep and goat rearing, poultry production, pig farming, rabbit rearing and Aquaculture are the alternate sources of mix farming. It may be possible to generate the employment for the farmers as well as land less labourers who can do this job themselves, or it may be possible to employ young and the old family persons as a side business. Many of the operations in Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming can be done by the rural women. It is estimated that on an average 35 million human years/annum employment generation has been potential through this sector.

To increase the chances of export of the developed products to other countries it is advisable to set up Processing units, Cold storages and warehouses to manufacture quality end products.


Service to the community by SAF:

  •  Supports a number of families by providing employment at our farm.
  •  Our services helped many farmers to start the farms on their own and have self-employment.
  •  Rural Development organizations of Andhra Pradesh and North Eastern states got to know the business through SAF which helped to bring awareness in the village women and unemployed youth who are interested in livestock business which resulted to grow their own business.
  •  To provide the farmers in rural areas with free consultancy to start and grow their own farms.


The strength of SAF when compared to other concerns in the same field is its technical know – how, technology adaptation, Organic and Free-range methods of breeding and rearing the animals, expanded knowledge in Mixed farming techniques, service to the customers, Large Egg hatching capacity, Processing quality Meat products and Unique marketing strategies.

For the farmers related to the techniques in modern Agriculture, Cultivating modern Horticulture crops

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